Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Dorothy and a little Buble Bee!
Mrs. Carrie!! I love my teacher!
Making a cookie with Dad!
Now eating my cookie....of course I let Dad eat some too!
I got to feed an elephant peanuts!
Get suckers....the best part!
Here is my friend Charlie!
What a fun Halloween!! My new word is favorite.....every piece of candy just happend to be my favorite!

Friday, October 30, 2009


It turned out to be a beautiful day after a night of thunder storms! We played outside all day!
Daddy swings me really really high! I get a little scared but then I ask for more! I love it!

My Best Friend! Dixie!
My other best friend Oakley!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Power Outage!

Our power went out was very hot in the house so I decided to strip down! It was so exciting with all the lights out! I used a flash light for the first time!
Wresteling with Daddy!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fire Station!

I went to visit Daddy at his fire station today! He showed me all around!
Daddy's little girl!

I loved driving the truck...
and playing with all of the levers and gadgets!
See you to save some lives!

This is Daddy's seatin the truck! He even let me talk on the radio!
After a tour, we went insode for some dinner...
and ping pong....but I lost the ball!
Of course I had to answer the fire phone!
My 3 favorite firemen, Sammy, Daddy and Donnie! Thanks for a fun time and a great dinner!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lil Pumpkin!

It is almost Halloween so I wore my cute Halloween outfit to school today!
I couldn't wait to show it off! We are learning about pumpkins this week, so my outfit was perfect!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Like Mother like Daughter....

My latest and greatest "just like Mommy" has to be right before I go to bed.....As soon as I hear Mommy and Daddy say "Ok Tess let's go Night night" I automatically get STARVING! I mean to the point where I HAVE to eat.....I hear rumors that Mommy used to do this when she was my age!
So, tonight before bed, Mommy gave in and made me a peanut butter and jelly!
I promise I was Mommy look!
Thank you Mommy!

New chair

Well, My highchair just seems like it isn't for me anymore. I really don't like sitting in it, I would much rather be sitting at the table with Mom and dad. So, they pulled this chair out of the closet and I love it!! I get to be right at the table now!
Coloring is much more fun
I'm a big kid now!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pumpkin Carving!

It wa a beautiful day out so we decided to spend it outside carving pumpkins!! I couldn't wait to see Dora and Swiper on my pumpkins! First, we had to get all of the yucky stuff out....
I didn't really like doing it. As a matter of fact...I wouldn't even put my hand in the pumpkin. All I could think was yucky.
Hmm.....that just doesn't look right
Icky...Icky...from the look on my face you can pretty much tell that I didn't like this part
I decided to get a little braver and use a scooper to get some of the seeds out!

Cleaning out the insides!
All clean!

Now for the fun part! Dora!
Lets start carving!
Helping Dad! This is much better than the icky part!
That is hard work...I decided to take a break with my best friend!
Just checking on dad to see how he is doing! It is looking pretty good!
This is the little pumpkin I got to pick out at the pumpkin patch! He turned out pretty cute!!
Our masterpieces!! They turned out so cute!
Thank you Dad and Mom for a great day!! And making the coolest pumpkin a kid could have!